
The Sentry Maven Plugin is an addition to the main Java SDK and offers seamless integration with the Maven build system. It supports the following features:

  • Auto-installation of Sentry Java SDK and relevant integrations
  • Uploading Source Context

Using Maven in your application module's pom.xml add:

        <!-- Required to allow auto-install of Sentry SDK and Integrations -->

We expose the following configuration values, by adding a <configuration> section to the the plugin in pom.xml:

        <!-- Required to allow auto-install of Sentry SDK and Integrations -->
          <!-- for showing output of sentry-cli -->

          <!--  Disable the plugin -->

          <!--  Disable source-context -->

          <!--  Disable auto-install of SDK and Integrations -->
              <!--  Generates a source bundle and uploads it to Sentry. -->
              <!--  This enables source context, allowing you to see your source -->
              <!--  code as part of your stack traces in Sentry. -->

The plugin automatically adds the Sentry Java SDK as well as available Sentry integrations as dependencies if it detects a library dependency we support. For example, if your project has a dependency on graphql-java the plugin will automatically add sentry-graphql as an additional dependency.

See our documentation on Source Context.

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